Monday, February 22, 2016

A performance of a lifetime


Hello Family and Friends!

What a beautiful day! No snow, blue skies, I am almost to the point where I don't need my fuzzy leggings, and the sun is shining! Greenville keeps growing on me everyday. This little town is pretty cute.

Two Sunday's ago, a sweet older lady in the Branch stood up and was bearing her sweet testimony. In the middle she talked about how I play the violin. Oh no! I knew what was going to come from this. The next day I was asked to perform a solo in Branch Conference. My stomach did a million flips! I like to perform in symphonies but when I get in front of a crowd by myself or a small group my fingers shake, my knees buckle, and my bow of the violin becomes violently out of control! I about declined to playing but then I thought about the story of the talents. I can't bury my talent! I don't want to lose my talent in playing the violin. It was a tough decision. I prayed for the strength and said yes. The performance was very simple. It was yesterday and I played "Lead Kindly Light." I was shaking in my seat. I grabbed a chair, sat down, closed my eyes, and prayed as I played. I made it! I didn't shake as bad and my bow stayed in control. *Phew* . Through experience I am praying that my shaky self will not be so shaky in the future. 

I have loved my studies this week! I have been reflecting on the Holy Ghost and his role in our life. It is our personal choice to be open to the Spirit. In Helaman 5:21-52 I really enjoyed reading about the change that we can all have. If we pray to God and repent then can we find our way out of the darkness. The joy we can all feel is real! God has so much for us. We just need to be open to listening to what He wants us to know through the Holy Ghost. 

I love you all so much! I hope you are all having a WONDERFUL day! Stay positive and have a fantastic week!


Sister Cook

Tuesday, February 16, 2016


Family and Friends,


The other day we were eating dinner with a family that we are teaching. They are so SWEET. I love them! For dessert they had a great surprise for us. (The reason this came about is because the time before my companion mentioned her favorite treat to them.) So it was time for dessert and the little girl gets a big smile and pulls out the vanilla bean ice cream and then runs to the fridge and pulls out the dill pickle spears! I about passed out. My companion gets over joyed and the little girl starts squealing with joy. Pickles and ice cream together. The mother and I had to motivate each other to take a bite. We decided that one bite was enough. Everyone else loved it! Even though the mother didn't like it, she was so sweet to make that dessert for  my companion. It was an eventful night to say the least!  We ended by teaching an awesome lesson on the Book of Mormon. 

For the rest of the week I was sick with the nasty flu! My sweet companion took good care of me. I am feeling a lot better. YAY! As I was stuck in bed I reflected on Alma the younger as he experienced a change of heart. I was thinking about how we always have something to repent of and change to turn more towards God. Through Christ we can always find that change for the better. 

I love this gospel.

I love the people here!


Have a wonderful week!

Sister Cook

Wednesday, February 10, 2016


Hello Family and Friends!

Oh my goodness! What a week. Why are trials so great? I will tell you because they make us stronger! 

Yesterday, we went to a WONDERFUL ladies home where she fed us dinner and told us her life story. I was just in awe. With everything she has endured she can't stop smiling and laughing. We discussed about Gods love for all His children. We discussed about the beauty of forgiveness and how to be like Christ. I wish I could go into detail of our conversation but my words would seem short and I couldn't begin to reiterate the spirit within that conversation. 

If you get the time to study, I would suggest you all to study the Doctrine of Christ which can be found in the Articles of Faith #4. It will bless your life! I just love it. 

I love this gospel! I love being out here in the great little town of Greenville. 

Love you all!

Sister Cook

Monday, February 1, 2016

Feb 1- First things first


Hello Family and Friends!

We just got the call and I am staying here in Greenville for another transfer! I am so EXCITED! This week has been glorious and I am geared up for the future. I LOVE the people here. I love to look for something good each day because it keeps me smiling. 

Well the other day we were meeting the neighbors to a member in our branch. When we walked in, right there hanging on their wall was the First Vision. I was about to have a heart attack (I got real excited). We come to find out that her grandson is member and sent her the pictures around her house. We invited her to hear the story about the picture of the First Vision. She said we could come back this week to tell her. I am looking forward to that day. 

Well I love it out here! I know this is short but I will send pictures next week. 

No one freak out, but I LOVE BEING A MISSIONARY. 


Thank you for all your prayers and support. I am truly grateful for you all. 

Have a WONDERFUL week!

Sister Cook

Jan- 25 Smiles


Dear Family and Friends,

Oh my goodness! It is almost the end of January! WOW! Time flies. If it weren't for the snow outside I would still think it was July of last year. I am continuing to find the things that I love about this place. I love to recognize that constant service keeps me moving forward. I can't explain the feeling but it feels like I just came out here yet at the same time I feel like I have been on this mission my whole life! I love service! It feels so great to always find a way to help someone out. 

Well the other day, in my studies I was lead to the book of Mark and I was reading in chapter 10. I was going there to read a verse and by the end of my studies I was reading the whole chapter. I just loved it all. Verses 17-22 really stuck out to me, it is about the rich young ruler. As I studied it I reflected at the end where the young ruler was grieved because he had to sacrifice his great possessions for eternal life. It is hard to give things up. To become more like Christ we must always look for something that we can sacrifice so that we can become more like him. A couple days later I opened the Ensign from November 2015 and turned to the talk called " What Lack I Yet?" by Elder Larry R. Lawrence. He talks about the rich young ruler! It was wonderful to read that talk and to think "what lack I yet?"

This past week I prayed about it and the thing I am going to sacrifice is my frown! Ya, I can see some of you guys laughing at this idea. However, when I catch myself frowning then I recognize that my thoughts become more negative. So even when I am upset I am trying to smile!  I started this week and I already recognize a difference. 

My thoughts were scattered and all over the place this week. Hopefully it made sense! In my head it did. 

Here is the link to that wonderful talk


I hope you recognize the positive things in your life this week!


Sister Cook

Jan 18- Love you 

Hello Family and Friends!

I just want to say how much I love this gospel. I know that the fullness of Christ's gospel has been restored on the Earth through the prophet Joseph Smith. I know that we can all receive our own personal revelation as we pray and ask God for ourselves. I know that the Book of Mormon is a witness to this all.
My heart is overwhelmed when I think of it all! I am so grateful for my trials that I have had these past few weeks. I see that they have been placed in my life to make me stronger. I don't understand them fully but I know that we can overcome any trial or obstacle through Christ! I love the atonement and the Doctrine of Christ. I am continually seeing how it is changing me and those around me.

I love it here! I love the people! 

I love you all so much! Thank you for your love and support.

Sister Cook